吉井虎永(真田広之)©2024 Disney and its related entities Courtesy of FX Networks 洞口依子、奥野瑛太 ©山元茂樹/文藝春秋 桐の方(洞口依子) ©2024 Disney and its related entities Courtesy of FX Networks 佐伯信辰(奥野瑛太) ©2024 Disney and its related entities Courtesy of FX Networks 樫木藪重(浅野忠信) ©2024 Disney and its related entities Courtesy of FX Networks 吉井虎永(真田広之)©2024 Disney and its related entities Courtesy of FX Networks 遊女・菊(向里祐香) ©2024 Disney and its related entities Courtesy of FX Networks ©山元茂樹/文藝春秋 ©山元茂樹/文藝春秋 ©2024 Disney and its related entities Courtesy of FX Networks ©2024 Disney and its related entities Courtesy of FX Networks ©2024 Disney and its related entities Courtesy of FX Networks ©2024 Disney and its related entities Courtesy of FX Networks ©2024 Disney and its related entities Courtesy of FX Networks ©2024 Disney and its related entities Courtesy of FX Networks