パク・ジュンモを演じる韓国の人気俳優チ・チャンウク ジュンモの妻役イム・セミ チョン・ギチョル役のウィ・ハジュン。韓国エンタメ界のニュースター 左からウィ・ハジュン、イム・セミ、チ・チャンウク。 チ・チャンウク 1987年生まれ ウィ・ハジュン 1991年生まれ イム・セミ 1987年生まれ ©2023 Disney and its related entities ©2023 Disney and its related entities ©2023 Disney and its related entities ©2023 Disney and its related entities ©2023 Disney and its related entities ©2023 Disney and its related entities ©2023 Disney and its related entities ©2023 Disney and its related entities ©2023 Disney and its related entities ©2023 Disney and its related entities ©2023 Disney and its related entities ©2023 Disney and its related entities ©2023 Disney and its related entities ©2023 Disney and its related entities ©2023 Disney and its related entities ©2023 Disney and its related entities ©2023 Disney and its related entities ©2023 Disney and its related entities ©2023 Disney and its related entities ©2023 Disney and its related entities ©2023 Disney and its related entities ©2023 Disney and its related entities ©2023 Disney and its related entities ©2023 Disney and its related entities ©2023 Disney and its related entities ©2023 Disney and its related entities ©2023 Disney and its related entities ©2023 Disney and its related entities ©2023 Disney and its related entities ©2023 Disney and its related entities ©2023 Disney and its related entities